Award & Honor
HKUST School of Engineering PhD Research Excellence Award 2021-22 (the sole winner) Award, News [02/2022]
Finalist of “Top 10 Research Progress on Semiconductors in China for 2021” News, Presentation [01/2022]
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS, 200~300 awardees/year in Hong Kong) [2016 ~ 2019]
Outstanding Graduates of Zhejiang University Award on Undergraduate Period [06/2016]
Graduate with Honor out of the graduates of Zhejiang Provincial Institutions of Higher Learning [05/2016]
Honorable Graduates of College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering in ZJU (5/300+) [01/2016]
National Scholarship for consecutive 3 years (2% among all competitors in each year) [2013 ~ 2015]